
Showing posts from November, 2019


The Net Neutrality is a very important and evident concept especially evident in policy today. Many people believe that the internet should be an even playing field for many, no service or ISP should have the advantage of being able to block or error to not show a particular site regardless of the source without favoring other sources, or because its paid prioritization. The open internet is a huge benefit to many, from doctors, entrepreneurs, business owners, big corporations, and multimillion dollar firms, without the open World Wide Web   they cannot   please the customer or consumer if the web application is blocked, for example amazon , can’t get orders, AT&T can’t get new orders, and provide service, and companies such as small startups almost how like Jeff Bezos started out of a garage, or how Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook will have not   a chance.   As I was Online doing research for this topic, thinking to myself I better really be able to understand the topic if