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The Net Neutrality is a very important and evident concept especially evident in policy today. Many people believe that the internet should be an even playing field for many, no service or ISP should have the advantage of being able to block or error to not show a particular site regardless of the source without favoring other sources, or because its paid prioritization. The open internet is a huge benefit to many, from doctors, entrepreneurs, business owners, big corporations, and multimillion dollar firms, without the open World Wide Web  they cannot  please the customer or consumer if the web application is blocked, for example amazon , can’t get orders, AT&T can’t get new orders, and provide service, and companies such as small startups almost how like Jeff Bezos started out of a garage, or how Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook will have not  a chance.
 As I was Online doing research for this topic, thinking to myself I better really be able to understand the topic if I am going to present, talk and write a blog about Net Neutrality. So as I was searching I came across the exact example of why Net Neutrality is important there are so many blocked pages and only Ads pop up! Finally, after refreshing and reloading, changing my wording and my browser I was able to come up with a wide plethora of other people’s opinions.  I found this quote from Rahul Chhabria’s article published on December 13th of 2017   stating “this is why net neutrality helps us all “play as a team” I felt this is a very good way to explain that Net Neutrality is promoting and allowing fairness, no money, no upper hand to bigger corporations, No blocked content based on financial aspects not one ISP deciding and allowing the internet to go from blocked to not,  everyone is equal.
     Why is net Neutrality Important? Well I sure am glad you’re wondering that too! So in did some digging and revealed the laws around Net Neutrality can allow for loop holes and easy ways to just completely disregard, this also leaves big and small tech companies in a difficult position. Where they really can’t comment much or even try and help you understand the confusing complex situations around Net Neutrality. As I was scrolling, I found also on Rahul Chhabrias article suggested and promoted  you sign a petition “battle for the net” they as well as many other tech companies have signed this petition to create a movement to get equal internet access so if you believe in Net Neutrality please voice your opinion, and you wont have to be worried sick about slow and pricy internet speeds, will you emails and work outside of the office add to your already huge cable bills, these huge fortune 500 cable companies robbing you blind stand up, have a vote, sign a petition CLICK HERE.


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