DIGITAL DOMESTIC VOILENECE, typically stems from a relationship of controlling guilted ex-lover can’t handle rejection, the internet is really small when they share private digital media, explicit photos and more without your consent. You start with baby photos and then try and grow your businesses and do well in your jobs and field of work, we let the world in one Facebook like In 1/25 women have been effected by revenge porn and under the age of 30 1 in 10, flimsy state misdemeanors.
While the women accused and the victims are penalized for this losing their jobs, suffering from bad relationships, and this women spent 11 months in court to try 13 trip to the court house thousands  of dollars to get 2 things A PFA, and language from a judge to stop cyber stalking and use a third party company to remove the consent, (DMCA DITAL MILLENIAL COPYRIOGHT ACT) both copyright owners and consumers Not compliant and not responsive third party internet companies. Aren’t the internet internations regardless to boarders and restrictions, she shared her private parts with the all investigation private team to gain justice and allowed her phone her computer her media to be violated as  she was fighting for her cyber bully to be put behind bars in another country for internet porn without her consent , she was embarrassing , humiliated, but then he found charges against Jamaica’s malicious communications act he was arrested and if found guilty can spend 10 yrs. in prison and thousands of dollars’ worth of fines.
She learned it was her case making history and she wants clear tough resentment and restore dignity to restore power and end the silence end the shame to these victims the feelings of hostage the stripping of themselves of pain. She told her family and she used her platform her experiences, she owns her story she owns her truth and she is now writing her own path 50 shades of silence; she is fighting for others in her position her emotional justice project. In order to be empowered you have to love yourself, turn your pain into power and your embarrassment into action, finding your everyday courage.


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