

Image DIGITAL DOMESTIC VOILENECE, typically stems from a relationship of controlling guilted ex-lover can’t handle rejection, the internet is really small when they share private digital media, explicit photos and more without your consent. You start with baby photos and then try and grow your businesses and do well in your jobs and field of work, we let the world in one Facebook like In 1/25 women have been effected by revenge porn and under the age of 30 1 in 10, flimsy state misdemeanors. While the women accused and the victims are penalized for this losing their jobs, suffering from bad relationships, and this women spent 11 months in court to try 13 trip to the court house thousands   of dollars to get 2 things A PFA, and language from a judge to stop cyber stalking and use a third party company to remove the consent, (DMCA DITAL MILLENIAL COPYRIO


For the past EOTO presentations I learned a lot about   a few topics that really stuck out to me that I enjoyed learning about. They  were Total Information Awareness cont, Smith- Mudnt Act, Five eyes these are the things that really stuck with me through out the presentations.  Total information Act- While looking for potential terrorist threats is a positive method to their program, it gave the U.S. government the right to spy on all citizens, not just the bad ones, this means that all information that could be found online could be seen and used by the government, This included things along the lines of credit card purchases, web browsing history, bank deposits, license registrations and more, while this did have its benefits it did overall give the government way too much power.   Another topic I learned about was the Smith-Mundt Act this allows the access to programs though BBG such as Voices of America, Programs can still not eb created for the U.S. but now the American’s can ha

My personal Online Footprint

My personal online footprint is about average bigger than most of the baby boomer generation, and smaller than the millennials, the small children about age eight probably have an equal amount of social media presence as I do. I worked in the cyber security industry for my internship this summer and the amount of smaller kids and people in there 40’s that have a big impact on the internet actually shocked me, I thought my own generation Z would have the most in this area. The social media sites that I use consist of Instagram, Snapchat (although I am boycotting that at the moment), LinkedIn, blogger, Gmail and Facebook as I had a cookie business run throughout my FB profile. I have put out pictures, retweeted links and sold lots of cookies which would be linked to Children’s National Hospital In Washington D.C. A visitor could learn that I attend High Point University in High Point NC, they could know that I am doing an internship at a company called Grocyb