Diffusion of Innovations is the explanation of how, why, and at what rate do these new ideas of technology spread. In the book Diffusions of innovations written by: Everett Rodgers published in 1962, in this he states. He also argues the point of four main elements influencing the spread of a brand-new creative idea, diffusion is the process by which innovation is communicated and the innovation has to be widely adopted in order to be self-sustain and reach the point of critical mass.

The main. Categories of people are Early adopters, innovators, early majority, late majority and laggards. This concept of diffusion of innovations was first studied by the French in the late 19th century. The five stages in the decision innovation process is the Knowledge, persuasion, decision (reject or accept) implantation, and the confirmation. The first step is when an induvial is first exposed to the innovation but has no idea about any information on it has not been driven, inspired or interested. The second step is the induvial is interested in the innovation and wants to seek out details and information on the topic and how it works. The third step is the individual l takes the concept and using the innovation decides if they should adopt or reject the innovation this is the most difficult stage the individual also weighs the pros and cons. The fourth step is the individual will use and implement the innovation to a degree depending on the outside situation and still wants to learn the most they can about this. The final and 5th step is the individual finalizes and makes her/her decision if they want to keep using the innovation and if they have made the correct decision. By using this method innovations and new technologies seems to spread, catch on to new trends and allow the early adopters to be pros. The downside is the individual wastes time of they don’t like the innovation the concept and they then would promote the product/ service or idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image result for diffusion of innovation pics
Image result for diffusion of innovation pics


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