Facebook is a place filled with memories, a variety of people both young and old although mostly millennials, pictures, videos, sports fan groups and the occasional online rant session. One thing that is mysterious and of course always fluctuating is the shares of this online company created by the Mark Zuckerberg. In July of 2018 the company’s shares hit an all-time high at $209.94 a share, ever since then the price has been steadily falling to about $150 dollar a share. Now today we wonder why is this? How did this happen? and more importantly What changed so that consumers just had to buy more Facebook stock? Now many of these questions we will never know the answer to but what we can answer is, Is snapchat built on the very thing that Mark Zuckerberg tried to build Facebook on? Does Facebook leave a digital footprint and a public record for the rest of your life?
As I mentioned before Facebooks stalk price has been steadily falling since the summer of 2018 even now with the big hits and increases the Facebook market still can’t make it back to their highest point, they can’t right what is completely gone. But over the next five years it went from 35$ in 2013 a share to $176 2018 and growing the following five years after even hitting a record high in July of 2018 at $209.94 a share. Crazy for a company that was one private dating social media sight for college students  created by a Harvard student only to now have over a billion users and become a public stock marketed company on wall street and hit the top charts of some of the most expensive and most wanted stock for trade today.
Did the creator of snapchat build an online app that is on the very thing Mark Zuckerberg tried to build Facebook on? Even Spiegel the thoughts of this younger creator are if your messages and conversations don’t last forever then they are more likely to be themselves and be more comfortable when the user understand a lot fewer number of people will see it. The thing that makes Evans application grow the most are social stories, new content from news outlets and social media influencers and the thought that you can create a story for everyone to see or only a private group of people to see. Mark Zuckerberg built Facebook around a public record of your life but not one that disappears and only come back to bite you in the butt like evan.
 My third question I said we would find the answer too is does Facebook leave a digital footprint and public record in your name for the world to see? The answer is not that simple while yes. There is a digital footprint if you do anything online however, Facebook is owned and controlled by online tech gurus and when you accept the terms and conditions you allow any media, pictures, text and comments to be owned by this fortune 500 company. So yes, you do have a digital footprint and yes even if you delete something online it can be pulled from the database and found. The lesson here kids, college students, parents and single adults is be careful what you put out their because once it’s out there you can’t take it back or you don’t know who has seen it. From future to employers to colleges, grad school and your neighborhood moms gossip group id hate for you to be the center of attention.
.Image result for MARK ZUCKERBERG PICS AND EVAN SPIEGELhttps://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/10/facebook-could-be-totally-different-product-2020/574537/


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