For the past EOTO presentations I learned a lot about a few topics that really stuck out to me that I enjoyed learning about. They  were Total Information Awareness cont, Smith- Mudnt Act, Five eyes these are the things that really stuck with me through out the presentations.  Total information Act- While looking for potential terrorist threats is a positive method to their program, it gave the U.S. government the right to spy on all citizens, not just the bad ones, this means that all information that could be found online could be seen and used by the government, This included things along the lines of credit card purchases, web browsing history, bank deposits, license registrations and more, while this did have its benefits it did overall give the government way too much power.  Another topic I learned about was the Smith-Mundt Act this allows the access to programs though BBG such as Voices of America, Programs can still not eb created for the U.S. but now the American’s can have access upon request, the pros are global connectivity, higher transparency and government funding and the cons are targets a specific audience, influences on public opinion. This was originally passed in 1949 which prohibited the government to broadcast propaganda materials domestically, not restricted if American’s wanted to get this information on their own, this did take time during the cold war, William Fulbright played a key role in the legislation, stated that tax payers should not be paying for the domestic propaganda, was created to separate the U.S. from the soviet union where propaganda is normal government activity. Voice of America influence was created in 1942 MULITMEDIA company, government programming to discuss the U.S. in foreign countries and this fall sunder the broadcasting board of governances.
The Five Eyes the FVEY tells each other everything but withholds information from other alliances but will share with other for a case by case basis, 9 eyes, 14 eyes NATO, advances in technology have made it easier for them to spy on civilians, not controlled by the government, gives them the power to spy over citizens of member states, heightened the surveillance if online activity. This is an intelligence alliance, this is the collections of information of military or political value, compromised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United states of America. Bound by the UKUSA agreement the UK-USA agreement for cooperation in signals intelligence, military intelligence and human intelligence. This was created after ww2, this is the largest spying network in history, most of what goes in doesn’t seem to be known.

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Image result for THE SMITH-MUNDT ACT


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