
Showing posts from October, 2019

Crystal Ball, Thoughts on HPU

A sparkling rainbow of colors swirled within white-gray fog.   The fog began to part.   There within that crystal ball, my future lay before my eyes.   So many times this fall of sophomore year I’d been asked What do you want to be when you grow up?   A glimpse of what would be aligned perfectly with the vision I’d had for myself.   It’s a beautiful autumn day, not a cloud in the sky, but the air crisp with the promise of colder days to come.   With excitement and anticipation, my footsteps make noise as they stir up the fallen leaves.   It’s my second year at the High Point University (where did the time go?), and I see myself on my way to the physical therapy clinic on campus, the school of communications and the long trek to the school of business....dreaming about what senior year with the crisp fall leaves will bring me.    I know myself.   Through years of soccer, I’d been on the receiving end of PT more than once, but this time, I’m the one providing the helpful exercises,

Pseudoscience Nike

I watched an Ad on NIKE Shoes and this commercial really made me think an elaborate on the ideas of how it incorporates Pseudoscience. While I was watching I was able to connect some of the Lilienfeld 10 commandments and qualities. While the Creator of this video who seems to look like a student briefly covered the product he was advertising at hand, in this case a pair of classic NIKE shoes. A few of the main claims made in this advertisement made me recognize the pseudoscience after reading about it in the past chapter. Some qualities that really stood out to me was the use of impressive sounding jargon, the absence of connectivity, having many false overexaggerated taglines, having no peer review claims. Pseudoscience is very evident in this Ad when the advertiser specifically claims, “This name has become a staple in professional athletics, Lebron James, Tiger Woods, and Neymar.” As if only men can be the superior gender in professional athletics. Not one time did the ad

Big Five Personality Method

Christina Yang from Greys Anatomy is the Character of choice that I chose to apply to the OCEAN method or Big five personality traits for comparing and contrasting based on the invigoration article I read. Christina is a very organized and highly skilled surgeon who wants to succeed and be the best of the best, nothing less is acceptable. She strives to be the top in her class, best resident, to have the best new innovations and has the dire need passion to win the Harper Avery award. Nothing and no one will get in her way she is loyal to herself her studies and her new innovations/ career and driven to no fault. Marriage and kids are not for Christina as her job comes first. I believe Christina is a very valid and extreme version of Conscientiousness.  Christina Yang exhibits very extreme High qualities In the Conscientiousness department some highs are that being said in the next list. Christina spends time preparing for her speeches, TED Talks and exams always passes with flying

Helicopter Parenting is it a Modern Day Issue?

I think in this modern-day society we should seek out more emphasis on parenting this is a very important aspect of human life it has a big impact on how you act, and effects the person you are today. Based on looking at the chapter 5 notes the different parenting styles are all on the personality of the parent and what specifically what benefits the kids more. Warmth and Control are two very important aspects of parenting and raising a child and seeing how your parents mold into the person they are in twenty years. These qualities used with these parenting styles can tell you who is more in power, who is too lenient, who is loved, who doesn’t care, who has the perfect mix of strict and fun. Looking at these particular styles has immediately 2 things that jump out at me. One if you had asked me this question a few years ago I most definitely would have a different answer on how I was raised, and Two I look back and see that my parents made most of the right calls when I was growing up

Huntington's Disease

Huntington’s disease is a very fatal, this is where the brains cells start to breakdown and disintegrate over a short period of time. This disease is very hard to find and cure as it is passed down through generations but is not typically spotted or diagnosed until the 30-50 years of age mark. By this time many women and men how have been carrying this gene will then get very sick and will unknowingly have passed this onto their next generations of kids and grandchildren. When these symptoms have occurred typically in the younger adults about 20 years of age or children (1-18) years of age this is then diagnosed and called “ Juvenile Huntington's Disease” with this comes faster degeneration of the brain nerves and a whole different set of other symptoms  (“Huntington's Disease.” Mayo Clinic, May 2018) . There are a wide variety and collections a person with Huntington’s can have, but the most typical and regular are the movement disorders “involuntary jerking, muscle problems,

The Television Presentation

           I did my presentation on the first Tv although I did cover two different types of the Television. The mechanical and the electric television I feel these go hand in hand as one succeeds the other.  The mechanical  television  was created and made in the late 19th century 1927 to be exact. It was made by a guy named John Logie Baird, he was a Scotsman, and his creative flare credited him a great discovery we all are thankful of today. He was able to get pictures to transmit manually on a screen or blank wall. He demonstrated, built and created the first mechanical TV. He later goes on to invent the first color television in public as well as the first electronic picture Tube, for many viewers and big fans, supporters of the the television.           Although he had many advancements so did others in this industry with less, experience and more success, at a younger age. The world's first electric television was created  by a boy named Philo Taylor Farnsworth he was 21 ye

Culture at High Point University

           Symbols exert a huge influence on our modern-day world. At High Point University special symbols are used to send specific messages. For instance, HPU22” designates Highpoint class of 2022. Also, we fly the Stars and Stripes to show support and patriotism for our amazing country. Typically, symbols have specific meanings and are meant to evoke emotional responses in their targeted communities. This is something our generation respects and really has a powerful positive overall effect. But for today, I am going to open your eyes to culture and how these very familiar concepts can be found all around you. Culture can be found in anything ranging from such diverse subjects as religion, food, ethnicity, complexity, enculturation, identity, and here on our High Point campus, which we call our “home away from home” it can be learned, it can be valued, and you may be able to relate to more than one of these qualities found around you.            The campus here at my university I