Culture at High Point University

           Symbols exert a huge influence on our modern-day world. At High Point University special symbols are used to send specific messages. For instance, HPU22” designates Highpoint class of 2022. Also, we fly the Stars and Stripes to show support and patriotism for our amazing country. Typically, symbols have specific meanings and are meant to evoke emotional responses in their targeted communities. This is something our generation respects and really has a powerful positive overall effect. But for today, I am going to open your eyes to culture and how these very familiar concepts can be found all around you. Culture can be found in anything ranging from such diverse subjects as religion, food, ethnicity, complexity, enculturation, identity, and here on our High Point campus, which we call our “home away from home” it can be learned, it can be valued, and you may be able to relate to more than one of these qualities found around you.

           The campus here at my university In High Point North Carolina is so very Southern chic. Initial vibes given off when you first enter the grounds instill you with breathless beauty which fills with awe. It has all the amenities from the gorgeous southern brick and groomed beautiful big trees on our promenade to the modern interior, cultural adaptations which is our job as students to create, and the top-notch dorms rated #7 in America it has won seven awards for Most innovative school of the south and the most beautiful campus in the south.

           All of these things create a culture I could speak on at length, but I am amazed how many cultures are displayed by the different peoples and how I am not sure how that compares to mine. I am here to bring attention to culture here in a small slice of North Carolina southern heaven. The students here are not only chosen based on academic performances, but extracurricular activities, accomplishments, sports, awards, scholarships but they’re here to further an education, make a career for themselves, and be able to conquer anything the world throws at them They are chosen out of thousands to be a new asset to our university.

           Each student Is chosen for a reason. Each has a unique quality or skill which can benefit our programs and lives. Each-student is special, unique and has the support here to make you gain knowledge and to be able to spread your wings and fly as high as the eagle, above our heads at convocation. High Point University students are extraordinary not just for four years but forever. We get emails from Dr. Nido Qubein the daily motivation every day of the week. Students create a culture her on campus by studying a Pre-Med major, being from a different country, being a student athlete, being involved musically, or being in a sorority or fraternity.

           Pre-Med students are the smartest of the bunch in the field of medicine that they have chosen they are very driven hard working and very reliable they put academics first and many hours of studying into that as well. Being an exchange student is hard work you have come to a new country to get a better education, take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity to be the best in your field of career back home and get an authentic American education. Student athletes bring great entertainment, a lot of vibrant energy and personalities to campus they are top notch performers in their sport and they work hard academically as well as physically they’re role models here on campus. Being a musician takes repetition an abundance of practice and lifts the student’s moods at the sporting events and it can create a very humbling vibes for performances, atmosphere we play over the promenade here on campus. Being a part of a sorority is great they send overall messages of giving back and they do a lot of community outreach with their sisters on the High Point campus this may be view as helping the less fortunate and genuine humbling personalities. sisters on the High Point campus this may be view as family away from home and theses girls are going out of their way to help the less fortunate and their parents and our university has instilled genuine humbling personalities.

            The immaculate grounds on which you walk while the cool fresh breeze blows past your face carrying your hair into the wind, absorb the warm glow of the North Carolina sun around your skin, the beauty of the buildings taking your breath away. The sound of happiness and laughter forever surrounding you, the Cardinals chirping and Blue jays singing, Nido our President walking around laughing and spreading his message to “Be Extraordinary when no one else can”. This is what walking across feels campus feels like every day here at High Point University. Most think of culture as related to country of origin and the many customs, dress and other factors that define those from particular areas. However here at High Point we have different norms that define our culture. We are lucky to have a-contingent of foreign students who come to our country with hopes for a great education. They show us the value of working hard and integrating into the student fellowships.

           At High Point we are lucky to have students who have already committed to careers in medicine, music, sports and artists etc. and they also demonstrate that hard work pays off. This attitude encourages the rest of us to give a sustained effort. Not only to we have the brightest students but equally we have a rich sport and athletic program. Many students were recruited for their skills in the variety of sports that High Point provides. we learn much from the way these athletes conduct themselves on and off the field and who doesn’t enjoy being a spectator at games and competitions. We all enjoy rooting for our teams and revel in their successes. A word here for the coaches who train our players with much success.    

            On any given day walking across campus you may hear “Good day y’all ” or “Hey what’s up?”, to “Good Morning”. High Point University is a very diverse University having students who come from far and wide to study on our campus. An important aspect here at HPU is language, you tend to find yourself getting immersed into the culture after several months attending school here. The typical “What’s up Dude?” turns into a slight southern type drawl, you learn the aspects of being polite and addressing people with respect. It’s a southern thing. You hear yourself coming home to visit and saying “Morin’ Y’all” with a big grin rather than “Yo, what’s up?” with a forced happy tone. You start to get southern qualities such as “Good Morin’ Ma’am have a splendid day sweetheart!” and “Have a good day Sir” instilled into your everyday language lingo. You pick up when someone older than you, who is your elder is calling you “Ma’am” on your enjoyable walk to class. This concept of having my elders address me as an adult is crazy but I asked one of our campus Enhancement Employees when do you know when to address someone with sir and Ma’am? To which he just smiled and nodded I don’t think he heard me. I then proceeded to meet with my old anthropology professors from my freshen year, addressed this topic with my First Year Seminar Anthropology Professor, and my Anthropology Professor for the stage 1 class and they helped inspire me to write about language.

        One thing that suck with me that my professor had said was “The High Point Employees don’t call their families Sir and Ma’am, but they call students and higher authority figures these terms as they feel grateful to be here because of you, or they might not have a job otherwise. It is out of genuine gratitude.” This thought blew my mind I would have never thought of something so simple and polite having such a deep and important meaning, I thought it was personally just out of kindness and respect “Thought and language are easily confused (Moore, 2009, Pg. 100).” But something so small as my parents paying my tuition created such respect from the very people in which help make my high point bubble go around. These Employees whom I hold immense respect for. By using language, it brings many different types of people together and creates a unique and special bond.

           High Point University is a melting pot of cultures meaning students as far spread as California, Canada, China, New York, Florida, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Ghana and Dominican Republic, Etc. attend our university. They all bring unique qualities, aspirations, religions and of course their own qualities of their cultures from home. The diversity of the students and their languages creates the HPU culture. So, you hear a diverse amount of languages but at the same time you start to adapt and modify your own language and speech. Since attending HPU many people start to develop a soft southern drawl I have noticed and based upon the roots and the history of the college this all makes sense. “These Classifications reflect more than just different words applied to the same objects and concepts that are perceived and conceived of in fundamentally different ways (Moore, 2009, Pg.99).” Language can be interrupted many different ways tone, annunciation and pronunciation is a huge part of language. When you can tell what ethnicity, someone is based off the tone of their voice, how they pronounce their words, and the vocabulary that they use to describe something with an untrained ear this is because of language. What is heritage? This was an important lesson I have learned from the first day I stepped on this campus, that classes and student have helped me notice to pay attention to details. I have realized this has an impact on culture which impacts language. Regional, Ethnic and National areas all impact what heritage is. “Sapir-Whorf hypothesis proposes that linguistic categories structure and transmit culturally learned perceptions of existence (Moore, 2009, Pg.98).”


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