Helicopter Parenting is it a Modern Day Issue?

I think in this modern-day society we should seek out more emphasis on parenting this is a very important aspect of human life it has a big impact on how you act, and effects the person you are today. Based on looking at the chapter 5 notes the different parenting styles are all on the personality of the parent and what specifically what benefits the kids more. Warmth and Control are two very important aspects of parenting and raising a child and seeing how your parents mold into the person they are in twenty years. These qualities used with these parenting styles can tell you who is more in power, who is too lenient, who is loved, who doesn’t care, who has the perfect mix of strict and fun. Looking at these particular styles has immediately 2 things that jump out at me. One if you had asked me this question a few years ago I most definitely would have a different answer on how I was raised, and Two I look back and see that my parents made most of the right calls when I was growing up even though I didn’t always like them or appreciate it they also allowed me to make some of my own decisions to learn how to deal with the consequences and outcomes good or bad.
The current conceptualization of parenting styles is important and a more Authoritative parenting style is most common I would say it is higher control, higher warmth, reasoning but also there are rules, Authoritarian is high control low warmth this is similar to authoritative but with little to no love and comfort more expected to obey the rules and get good grades, no reasoning no room for argument . Permissive is a bit better than neglectful but still not a very efficient way of parenting, it is low warmth, low control not very many Punishments and the kids are not expected to give nothing back not much asked or demanded of them.  Neglectful is low warmth, low control kids have no love and support, not cared about, not controlled or taught all of these things can lead to a chain of very tragic events such as usage of drugs, seeking attentions from a bad crowd, breaking the law, but some may also come out stronger and try to make a life for themselves just like Alex Karev did on greys Anatomy who raises his siblings gets out of the slums and becomes a well renowned pediatric surgeon .
Helicopter parenting and lawnmower parenting are interesting qualities than can be shown in a lot of parents now in this day. Every time I witness it, I am surprised. I can honestly state I think it’s annoying and they need to chill out take a bit more and take more  of an  Authoritative approach and let their kid have a bit of fun but not get out of control. My little brother is the youngest of seven kids he is 4 years old and more advanced than most. My parents have a very Authoritative parenting style and he is the youngest, so he is most Definitely spoiled, but he also knows right from wrong and where to not push his luck.  It is very interesting seeing when he has friends over the parents stand in the doorway and hoover trying to keep talking and talking and talking to my mother in order to get an excuse to be invited inside and honestly smother their kid. My favorite time was when one of my brother Eric’s friends Jackson from preschool came over and the mother invited herself in even though she said she had errands to run and kept walking up to her son who was less than 5 feet in front of her playing Legos, trucks and transformers with Eric to ask if he was okay. While my mother and nanny were all watching them play and have fun. Then when the other mother suggested they get a sandwich as a snack my nanny offered to make fresh fruit and PB& J sandwiches as there were no allergies. The other mother jumps up and practically screams no, no Jackson you can’t have bread too much sugar. Meanwhile I’m thinking how can you have a sandwich with no bread? This was your idea? Whattttt? This is funny and has my other brothers howling in laughter quietly from the other room. It was very interesting to watch my mother and sister try to recover from hearing that comment. My first thought was to bust out laughing based on the stunned and baffled  look on my mother’s face the second is the kid was having so much fun, until the mother tried to control the situation and started hoovering. Wiping his face, blowing his nose talking for him, telling him he couldn’t eat bread he started bawling from embarrassment. Overall, I think lawnmower and Helicopter parents are just a bit too much to handle sometimes and I think something more normal should be added to that category. I think sometimes it’s good for kids to realize it’s okay to make their own decisions and life is not perfect everyone makes mistakes and uses it to learn from their mistakes and qualities and that a parent shouldn’t always just take care of for them.

Helicopter Parent - Kids Need to Own their Accomplishments


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