Big Five Personality Method

Christina Yang from Greys Anatomy is the Character of choice that I chose to apply to the OCEAN method or Big five personality traits for comparing and contrasting based on the invigoration article I read. Christina is a very organized and highly skilled surgeon who wants to succeed and be the best of the best, nothing less is acceptable. She strives to be the top in her class, best resident, to have the best new innovations and has the dire need passion to win the Harper Avery award. Nothing and no one will get in her way she is loyal to herself her studies and her new innovations/ career and driven to no fault. Marriage and kids are not for Christina as her job comes first. I believe Christina is a very valid and extreme version of Conscientiousness.
 Christina Yang exhibits very extreme High qualities In the Conscientiousness department some highs are that being said in the next list. Christina spends time preparing for her speeches, TED Talks and exams always passes with flying colors, the most important of tasks she always finishes first and get checked off and scrutinized with extreme precision, she is paying attention to detail, enjoys being early and having a set schedule and staying late racking as many hours in the Operating Room as possible. Christina Yang has been nominated for the Harper Avery award in one episode and makes it all the way to the final round, she would have one for using color 3D printing in a baby to be used as a regenerative heart to fix the defect. The Only reason she does not win and someone with a way less impressive and crusty research idea wins is because when the doctors when they got into a plane crash sued the hospital, then proceeded to buy the hospital again with their winnings and the Avery foundation covered the remain costs so it is a harper Avery hospital as well. The award couldn’t go to a surgeon who practiced at a harper Avery hospital as for fear of biased and a big dispute.

Image result for cristina yang


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